Attached spheroïds assay
Improved manipulation and observation of spheroïds
Improved manipulation and observation of spheroïds
Normalized spheroid, Half spheroid, spheroid core observation.
Spheroid based cell cultures represent a reliable method to mimic tumors or organs facilitating natural differentiation of cells. However, spheroid cultures still present multiple challenges regarding their handling as well as size and density reproducibility, which impact the efficient differentiation of cells.
Multicellular spheroids that are cultured on adhesive domains have better uniformity, quality and density which leads to an increase in stem cell differentiation efficiency. In addition, it becomes possible to make half-spheroid which can facilitate observation of the spheroid core.
Improved adipocytes differentiation from multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (comparison of 2D monolayers vs 3D spheroids in micropatterns): almost every cell in the spheroids contained Oil Red O positive lipids, while only a small number of the monolayer- cultured cells stained positively.
Wang, W., et al. (2009). Biomaterials, 30(14), 2705–2715.